reverse threading

the path back is the path forward

our hope frog. [kerri’s blog on two artists tuesday]

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and then, there it was. in our pond. the first frog in a couple years.

it was helen, who is steeped in her gift of faith, who told us the significance of having a frog appear. “f-r-o-g,” she said, “fully-rely-on-God.”

it is astounding how very much the appearance of this frog means to us. in the middle of the middle, a nod (or hop) of reassurance is unbelievably gratifying.

not every frog likes a photo shoot, but “hope” participated nonetheless. she was shier than most of our other frogs, but maybe that’s because she’s just getting to know us. one of our frogs – 2020 maybe? named “pando” – actually let me pet it, stroke its head and speak to it up close.

regardless, we’re a tad bit worried because it is so late in the year. she arrived on the equinox and the fall weather will race past the starting gate, sprinting to winter.

we hope that hope will survive the seasons.

in every way.


read DAVID’S thoughts this TWO ARTISTS TUESDAY

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One thought on “our hope frog. [kerri’s blog on two artists tuesday]

  1. Pingback: See Hope [David’s blog on Two Artists Tuesday] | The Direction of Intention

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