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pray. [d.r. thursday]

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wendy has a halo.  i’m convinced of it.   she is the best-in-the-family at expressing thanks, birthday wishes, words of encouragement, stories of her own life in cards and notes and photographs and letters and all digital methods of communicating.  we try to stay in touch and know what is going on in each other’s lives.  we have agreed that in all our texts, our snapchats, our chats, we are “sharing life” and there couldn’t be anything more important.

one of the things i absolutely know about wendy is that she relies on the power of prayer.  she names people she loves and lifts them up.  she thinks positive thoughts.  she sends positive messages.  and she prays.

i have had many a time on my knees.  searching for answers.  asking for guidance.   hoping for grace.  lifting up people i love.

were we to all be like wendy, perhaps we would all have halos too.  mostly, perhaps we would all have everyone else’s best interests at heart.  perhaps our world would be more compassionate; perhaps it would be kinder.

with or without a halo, i want to participate. to pray for goodness, to be kind, to share lives.

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read DAVID’S thoughts this D.R. THURSDAY

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PROMETHEUS RESURRECTION ©️ 2009 david robinson


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prayer [dr thursday]

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i have a lot of conversations with God.  they aren’t really formal; instead we just chat.  well, i chat.  or implore.  or express gratitude.  or cry.  or ask questions.  sometimes my head is bowed and my hands are folded, but other times i am driving or playing the piano or walking or eyes-wide-open.  for me, prayer is not just that thing i do at church or before a meal or at night before i go to sleep.  it’s just an anytime, everyday way of being, with this magnificent higher power watching over the universe.

anne lamott’s book Help, Thanks, Wow is a gorgeous primer for anyone wondering how to pray, a beautiful reinforcement of the internal power of prayer, an outline of simple spiritual praying.  i have read it many times, nodding my head and struggling to always remember, remember, remember the important stuff.

this painting PRAYER reminds me of the quiet, the steady rock, the essentiality of praying.

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click here to view the original painting PRAYER


read DAVID’S thoughts on this DR THURSDAY

PRAYER painting & PRAY products ©️ 2018 david robinson & kerri sherwood