reverse threading

the path back is the path forward

you are a tree. [kerri’s blog on two artists tuesday]

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it can’t be easy to be the lone tree in a big, big farmfield. the wind will batter you. the sun will parch you. the snow and ice will pile next to your trunk and bend your limbs down low. the rain will pummel you. you will be tested and you must be steadfast. your very presence may be questioned; it would be easier to plow straight lines than to plow around you. 

but consider this: the birds will flock to you. any creatures needing shade or shelter will curl up under your canopy. you will exhale clean oxygen. and wildflowers and grasses will grow at your base. you will interrupt the horizon line with your very beautiful tree shape. you will give visual perspective to the vast fields.

and so you stand there – alone. ready to greet the next day and the next. despite it all. 

you know it would be easier if there were other trees standing with you – perhaps a simple stand of trees or maybe a small woods or forest. you know it would be easier if there were even just one other bush or plant holding vigil with you in the big field. you know it would be easier if the west winds would not assail you, you with nothing to block their assault.

and even if the elements push on you, if the farmer ponders your value, if the aloneness feels void of hope, you keep standing. 

because you know that you are a tree and that your truth matters and that your presence counts.


read DAVID’S thoughts this TWO ARTISTS TUESDAY

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One thought on “you are a tree. [kerri’s blog on two artists tuesday]

  1. Pingback: Stand Out [David’s blog on Two Artists Tuesday] | The Direction of Intention

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