reverse threading

the path back is the path forward

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there is this. [kerri’s blog on d.r. thursday]

tuesday was a beautiful day. inordinately warm for late october, the sun drenched everything in autumn light – it all seemed to glow. it was a good day, particularly after monday. some days are just hard.

we took a long hike.

we sorted.

we processed.

with our feet on the ground – solidly – shuffling through fallen leaves – every sense alive, aware – we talked about all that was happening. the warm air around us helped.

our conversation never lulled; there is much to talk about. the world – the fighting. our country – the division. our community. climate change and its toll. friends who have experienced the sudden and unexpected loss of others. trauma that doesn’t release its grip. challenges of our very own. so much.

with each step into the sun, we both – once again – marveled at the moment in time where we would link arms, hold hands and walk together. sifting through all the colors, through all the layers, through all the everything, there is this.

and we are a little less tired.

hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come.(anne lamott)


read DAVID’S thoughts this D.R. THURSDAY


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