reverse threading

the path back is the path forward


empty bowl. full bowl. [kerri’s blog on d.r. thursday]

it is monday as i write this.

thursday is thanksgiving.

we have no plans.


we do know we will be fortunate to share a meal together. we know we will cook something nourishing, light a candle, place cloth napkins at our seats, have tumblers of water and perhaps a glass of wine. we know that whatever food we choose, it will be with thanks-giving at its center.

since it is monday and since thursday is merely three days away now, it will not likely be a turkey and all the traditional trimmings. our families are elsewhere. our children are grown, doing other things. our friends have their own plans. it is just us and we simply cannot devour a turkey-and-sides – nor do we want to. we will gather – the two of us.

and instead, we will focus on the giving-thanks of thanksgiving. we will lift gratitudes for each of these people not sitting with us at the table. we will hopefully get outside for a bit. we will realize that this moment in time is a moment in time. in the overarcing of life, this is the moment we can touch.

this time has not been without lessons. this time has not been sans reflecting. this time has not been without peering into dark looking for tiny smidges of light. this time has not been without wistful grief.

this time has been with learnings. this time has been with the sharing of burdens. this time has been with others offering starlight from a deep universe. this time has been with realization. this time has been with the cut-to-the-chase-ness of breathing-right-now.

the bowl may be empty. the bowl may be full.

our thanks-giving hearts are.

“we are a landscape of all we have seen.” (isamu noguchi)


happy thanksgiving.

IN QUIET PRAYER acrylic 16″x20″

read DAVID’s thoughts this D.R. THURSDAY

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