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prayer of opposites. [d.r. thursday]

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the first time i joined hands with david and prayed, i cried.  truth be told, we both cried.  it was a powerful moment…one i will never forget.  there is something deeply grounding about prayer with another person.  it is forging, like iron in a hot smelter, clay in a  kiln…seeking the solid base, making something stronger.

this painting, prayer of opposites, reminds me of that gift – the exchange, the sharing of peace and words of comfort, words of gratitude, beseeching words – with another.  the passing of that spiritual energy one to another.

were we to pray with opposites, would we not ultimately be drawn closer?

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to view the original painting PRAYER OF OPPOSITES please click here or on gallery link above

for PRAYER OF OPPOSITES product line, please click here or on product box below

if you'd like to see david robinson..

read DAVID’S thoughts on this D.R. THURSDAY


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prayer of opposites ©️ 2002 & 2018 david robinson & kerri sherwood