reverse threading

the path back is the path forward

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red-light-green-light-one-two-three. [kerri’s blog on not-so-flawed wednesday]


we had long front yards in our growing-up neighborhood. it was noisy with the sound of children’s voices playing outside, especially around dusk. red-light-green-light, red rover, spud, mother-may-i….all those vintage outdoor games! it’s many-many seasons ago but somehow i can still feel the rush of those games.

i lived next door to a family of athletes. there were eight children and every one of them had amazing gymnastic or athletic ability. me? not so much. so any game or competition that involved athleticism – kickball, kick the can, climbing trees, running – i was never the surefire winner, but that never really mattered. it was simply all about the play. 

so, the thing about red-light-green-light is that you have to know when to move and when to stop. the person who is “it” turns around, facing the other direction. the rest of the players line up horizontally. as “it” recites “red-light-green-light-one-two-three” everyone who is not “it” starts to run forward, always aware that you must stop suddenly at the end and you must be absolutely still – no matter your stance. as soon as “it” finishes the word “three” they turn back and if they catch anyone moving at all, that person is out. the first person to get to “it” safely is the winner. ”it” can vary the speed at which they recite the words – going in slow motion or super-fast like the fedex guy on the commercials. you just have to be aware of when to gooo and when to stop.

sounds like life. you have to be aware of when to gooo and when to stop. the trick is being able to discern the thin thread between too soon and too late. on both ends.

in the way of synchronicity, sometimes these are obvious. in the best of times, things just sort of drop in and line up. in the most – well – challenging of times, it all feels like a battle. you are forcing things to start and then you are reluctant to stop, reticent to give it up. and there’s no one standing in front of you reciting red-light-green-light so you’re on your own.

but there are those moments in life – those moments of intuition – when you just know. things seem to align and you know it’s time to move. it has arrived – whatever it is that you have waited for, thought would never happen, couldn’t imagine in a million years, have attempted to conjure up to no avail. suddenly, you know that it’s time to run forward – fullsteamahead – full tilt. 

no matter what it is – any initiative you are undertaking, any practice you are trying to make habit, any new learning, any unraveling, any new exploration – of any sort – you give it the best you can. 

i guess going is kind of more important than stopping. i mean, who has time for stopping?

because just like when you were a child and red-light-green-light was a rush of adrenaline, so it is now. 



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