reverse threading

the path back is the path forward

ruth. less. ness. [kerri’s blog on saturday morning smack-dab.]

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the spaceship hasn’t arrived and i am still – the tiniest little smidgiest iota of a bit – procrastinating. not entirely, but yes…enough. i’m wondering if there is such a thing as an estate sale while you are still alive and well and living in the house.

more so, i am trying to figure out which of the items in the house “spark joy” and which are me trying to hold too tightly onto those “items that trigger memories but which i can dispose of without losing the memories”. yiiiiiiiikes.

this is a process. 

it requires prep and thoughtful introspection, gearing up and gearing down, a camera and stoic ruthlessness.

i am approaching ruth – but i still have to get to less and ness, so there’s a little time left. 

but it’s happening.



read DAVID’S thoughts this SATURDAY MORNING

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One thought on “ruth. less. ness. [kerri’s blog on saturday morning smack-dab.]

  1. Pingback: Don’t Move [David’s blog on saturday morning smack-dab]. | The Direction of Intention

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