reverse threading

the path back is the path forward

the whole truth. [kerri’s blog on two artists tuesday]

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“first, my child, remember that there are truths all around us and within us. they twinkle in the night sky and bloom upon the earth. they fall upon us every day, silent as the snow and gentle as the rain. the people, clutching their own truth, forget that it is part of all the small and lonely truths of life. they no longer see these truths, no longer hear them.” (old turtle and the broken truth – douglass wood)

the turtle waited on the side of the trail. in no hurry and seemingly unafraid, it stayed put during my photoshoot; i was carefully moving around it so as not to frighten it. in one moment, it would peek its head out; in the next, it would retreat and just patiently wait. we stood with it for some time. it was there in the perfect moment. i wondered at the wonder of that.

on our next loop through the forest there was no sign of the turtle. it had done its work, appearing at just the right time. it must be the nature of turtles.

in the story of old turtle and the broken truth, truth fell from the sky and broke into two pieces. the people held onto the piece they found – despite that it was incomplete. “you are loved,” it read. clutching their truth, these same people became angry toward those who did not have this piece-that-had-fallen-from-the-sky and they became arrogant – righteous, even – and began fighting with the others.

a little girl who yearned for change, yearned for peace and transparency between people, set out to find old turtle, to seek wisdom. old turtle told her that the truth-piece that the people held had been broken off and that the other piece of truth needed to be found to make the world whole again, to complete the truth.

together they sought the other piece of the truth, the other half of the incomplete “you are loved” message, the piece that had vanished, to which the people paid no heed.

old turtle led the girl to the other part of the incomplete truth. the other piece read, “and so are they.”

“half-truths are not the same as whole truths,” a reader writes.

it is a day for the whole truth.


read DAVID’s thoughts this TWO ARTISTS TUESDAY

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One thought on “the whole truth. [kerri’s blog on two artists tuesday]

  1. Pingback: Turtle-Slapped [David’s blog on Two Artists Tuesday] | The Direction of Intention

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