reverse threading

the path back is the path forward

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longing. [k.s. friday]


i first wrote and recorded this piece while i was working on the twin LET ME TAKE YOU BACK albums.  performing the tunes of the 60s and 70s made me feel wistful; memories flooded every note.  i’d remember dancing to a song at a prom or listening over and over to another in my room in the basement.  they made me picture the windows rolled down in my little blue vw driving on the open roads out east on long island and they brought me the sweet smell of warm sand on crab meadow beach with my red round ball and chain transistor radio.Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at 4.44.47 PM  they had me thinking about the songs coming from my sister’s room and the songs my big brother would play on his guitar.  so it wasn’t a stretch to write a piece that was all about longing and reminiscing and memories, stories that were deeply set in my heart, times that had gone by.  later on we orchestrated this piece for the album AS IT IS.  i still associate it with the twin retro albums; the cello line gets me every time.  it makes me want to take out all my photo albums and set up a white sheet in the living room to watch the carousels of 35mm slides my poppo called “film funnies”.  longing.  indeed.

download LONGING track 13 from AS IT IS on iTUNES or CDBaby

read DAVID’S thoughts on this K.S. FRIDAY


LONGING from AS IT IS ©️ 2004 kerri sherwood

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you are what you eat [flawed cartoon wednesday]

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my big brother had a guitar in the olden days that i still pine for.  it was just a folk guitar, but he had painted it and applied stickers and graffiti’ed all over it.  one of my favorite sayings on this old guitar was “you are what you eat.”  considering that was the 60s and 70s, and rice-a-roni and kraft macaroni and cheese and other fabulous packaged pre-prepared foods were a way-of-life, he was way before his time.  now is a whole ‘nother story.

first following the whole30 precisely for the prescribed 30 days, we are over a year later still on a modified whole30 diet….not diet necessarily for weight (although middle age has changed the mighty metabolism) but diet for how we feel.  one of the joys of our weeks is to go to jen and brad’s and have “potluck dinner” together.  for two sets of people on distinct food diets, the fun of this is to bring all the leftovers you have and then just eat together.  we drink wine and tell stories of the week.  it’s total bliss!  we have talked much about the way we are now eating…we are infinitely more aware of what we buy and how we prepare it.

but there are those moments….and thank goodness for google…when we look up images or tell stories of twinkies and hostess cupcakes and reggie bars and m&m peanut candies and good ‘n plenty and buddig meats and wonder bread chip sandwiches…and relive the good old days.

if only i could find that guitar…

click here (or on product bar above) for YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT products



uh-oh! are those fire engines i hear? & you are what you eat ©️ 2016 & 2018 david robinson & kerri sherwood