reverse threading

the path back is the path forward

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the good old days. [not-so-flawed wednesday]

carly simon is – obviously – singing in my brain as i design this. “…anticipation, anticipay-ay-tion, is making me late….keeping me way-ay-ay-i-ting… …cause these are the good old days…”

for dogdog and babycat, these are the good old days. there is nothing more pressing than the treat in our hands, the invitation to go “on errands”, the lure of catnip, the tiny bite of potato from our breakfast plates. they are filled with anticipation.

this morning i heard of the passing of a young woman who was in a youth group i directed decades ago now. i easily remember her. back then we called her missi and she was full of smiles and adventure. though i haven’t seen her in the decades that have passed, it is stunning and sad, as it always is in loss, to think of her not on this earth. those days of youth group were most definitely good old days, surrounded by eager teenagers of promise.

“we can never know about the days to come/but we think about them anyway/and i wonder if i’m really with you now/or just chasing after some finer day…”

i wonder, as we look back, what we will also see as the good old days. are they the days of great accomplishment, of awards or the moments precious few like lottery hits? or are they the days of car rides on back roads with no important destination? are they the hikes in the woods with no concern about speed or distance? are they the days of anticipatory youth or the days of contented age? are they days with the lack of pretense, the lack of measure, the lack of self-criticism?

the dog and the cat do not partake in de-constructive evaluation. if dogdog utters a quiet grumble at babycat for getting too close to his bone, he watches us remove his bone from the spot and clearly is – momentarily – remorseful as we issue a stern “no!” he does not linger there, however. he simply moves on to the next moment, the look on his face is gleeful expectation of whatever is next. he nudges his babycat adoringly, respectfully. he is living each good old day as they come, seemingly regretting none. there is no checklist for him; it just is.

“so i’ll try to see into your eyes right now/and stay right here, ’cause these are the good old days.”

i will try to remember this: despite any angst that lingers in the air or in our hearts, it would serve me well to anticipate the sun of a new day, each new day, ready to slurp it up like dogdog and babycat, because it is – undoubtedly – one of the good old days.



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hope. [k.s. friday]

hope song box copy

hope.  there aren’t many words like this…describing that which you can actually-viscerally-feel in your body.  it makes you breathe differently.  it makes your heart beat faster.  it makes your knees weak and your ability to wait strong.  it makes you weep with anticipation and holds you close with others who are also hoping.

wishing you a season of hope, a season of expectation, a season of joy, a season of peace.


this season jacketTHE ABUNDANCE SALE:  there is an abundance of THIS SEASON – A CHRISTMAS ALBUM CDs in stock.  i would rather have these solo piano albums playing in homes and cars and keeping people company than in the boxes of inventory.  so…..the first 100 people who order this album will receive it for $5 plus tax and shipping.  at this time of generous gift-giving, you may order as many as you wish at this price through December 17.


THE ABUNDANCE SALE:  i am also offering the solo piano album ALWAYS WITH US VOLUME 1 – HYMNS OF FAITHAWU v1 jacket copy at this same price.  in this case, the first 300 CDs ordered will be $5 plus tax and shipping.  this album is meditative and reassuring, traditional hymns played solo piano, an hour of reflection.  at this time of generous gift-giving, you may order as many as you wish at this price through December 17.

christmas albums


read DAVID’S thoughts this K.S. FRIDAY

HOPE from THIS SEASON – A CHRISTMAS ALBUM ©️ 2005 kerri sherwood