reverse threading

the path back is the path forward

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sprinkles. [kerri’s blog on merely-a-thought monday]

sprinkles. squared.

we ordered fried rice and eggrolls the same day i blogged about joy sprinkles. it doesn’t take much to get us enthused and fried rice and eggrolls do it. because we don’t eat out often, it is always a treat to have something someone else has prepared and this dinner is no different.

we only got one fortune cookie in our brown stapled bag of deliciousness; our order must be considered a small order. we saved it for later.

i got to be the one to crack it open.

“sprinkles of joy will shower upon you in unexpected ways.”

it was one of those stunning moments in the universe when all comes to a screeching halt and you realize it is – indeed – all connected. just when you felt a little bit untethered, a little unsteady, the universe shows up with an anchor.

and here it was. simply the words “sprinkles of joy”.

i texted heidi – forever my keeper of the word “sprinkles” – and we laughed to realize we had juuust spoken these very words, that i had just written them. unexpected, for sure. it was like the universe had its own personal siri listening in – like when you talk about mumbai – never touching your computer or phone or any device – and then it shows up on your facebook feed or in your instagram. here it was – the universe echoing back to me the words “sprinkles” and “joy”.

we walked past the cemetery at the end of our road on the way back from the corner store. it was sunny saturday and, having spent the day doing chores inside and outside around the house, we were going to sit out back on the patio with dogga, sip a glass of wine and eat – yes – chips. we haven’t had chips in a week and thought, “eh…what’s a few chips?!!” it was with chip-guilt in a plastic bag walking home – as we strolled past the cemetery – that d looked over at me.

“i’m glad the cemetery is at the end of our block,” he said. “it reminds me that these people all had lives, too,” going on to talk about perspective, stuff that matters and stuff that doesn’t matter, the passage of time, the not-knowing.

every moment is one in which to create joy. for oneself. for others. together. to be showered by sprinkles of joy. in unexpected ways.

i proudly carried our bag of chips the rest of the way home.



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buymeacoffee is a website tip-jar where you may choose to help support the continuing creating of artists whose work touches you.

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wildflower joy. [kerri’s blog on not-so-flawed wednesday]

it made me smile as i walked in. these flowers graced the expansive ladies room window in the milwaukee public market. it’s a large decal – produced by a small business in the uk called dizzy duck designs. they call this piece “retro flowers frosted window film.” it was the perfect way to achieve privacy in this space.

i’ve been in a lot of churches, plenty of chapels and many cathedrals along life’s way. i have seen countless stained glass windows. they have depicted the stories of the bible, the stories of the religious institution. there have been folksy windows, tiffany windows, ornate windows with more colored glass than imaginable, geometric windows with monochromatic patterns. the beautifully simple and texturally or story-line overdone, both.

i can’t honestly say – despite honoring the obvious artistry in all of these panels, despite their remarkability, despite their intention of storytelling, despite the serious religious overtones, the shade of light cast into the building – that i have felt anything like what i felt this day as i walked into this ladies room. i have felt other things, but not this.

these wildflowers were charming, captivating. i instantly felt joy. stealing from my dear heidi, “sprinkles” kind of joy.

i stood in front of this window – which i had not seen before – for several extra minutes. i admired each whimsical flower.

i didn’t google the panel till much later. it doesn’t have a behemoth history like magnificent stained glass windows through the decades. it’s just a sweet family-run business, trying to fill a niche and make the places in which people hang out feel good.

bravo, dizzy duck designs! i can’t think of a better reason to be in business.

“spring gets you every time. every year it sucks me in, but then, I’m easy—a few cool blue skies, new grass, wildflowers, and i’m in love. (anne lamott)



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buymeacoffee is a website tip-jar where you may choose to help support the continuing creating of artists whose work resonates with you. ❤️