reverse threading

the path back is the path forward

no pause button. [kerri’s blog on k.s. friday]

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it snowed.

luckily, we had covered the parsley and rosemary and lavender. the mint and basil are far gone. now i have to figure out how to save these others.

i read that you can simply snip off the parsley and rosemary stems and freeze them, so that seems the best solution. the lavendar, though…

i used to have a lavender garden out back. it was thriving until my eastneighbor’s snow-on-the-mountain continuously grew under the fence and suffocated it. that is some aggressive groundcover. i suppose it’s too late in the season now to try that again. over there, next to barney, the perfect spot. i wonder if it’s beyond the time to transplant it into the ground. maybe the next frost will hold off…

i could bring the whole plant inside to winter – it’s a really large pot, though.

i could snip off the lavendar and hang small bunches of them upside down, maybe create some sachets after they’ve dried.

i’ll have to decide soon; i may have waited too long already. the snow was a bit of a surprise and it caught me off-guard. it’s like this weird time-between seasons. sort of like a mixed-berry jam. not just one. not just the other.

in some ways, i feel like i need a pause button. just to pause fall for a minute or two – to drive out in the county and stop at the farmstands with pumpkins and gourds. to go to the apple orchard that has homemade wine tasting and apple cider donuts. to take some more time to crunch on leaves underfoot in the woods. to wear boots and jeans and not-yet-a-heavy-coat.

but winter’s coming on and, even though we sat on the deck late-night last week with shorts and our fire column burning, time keeps moving.

glancing out back as i write this – ahead – snow lingering on the grasses – there is no doubt.

there is no pause button.


LET ME TAKE YOU BACK from AS IT IS ©️ 2004 kerri sherwood

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One thought on “no pause button. [kerri’s blog on k.s. friday]

  1. Pingback: Be In Cahoots [David’s blog on KS Friday] | The Direction of Intention

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