reverse threading

the path back is the path forward

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running, face to the sun. [d.r. thursday]

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what makes you raise your arms up, face to the sky?  what do you run after?  what do you run toward?  what makes your glee that you lift to the universe? what makes your eyes gaze up in gratitude?  are you beseeching, imploring?  are you running after the sun, beams of evasive light?  are you running into the rain just as it starts to fall?  are you trying to catch bubbles of incandescent film floating high above you?  are you simply playing frisbee or beach volleyball?

so many reasons for this morsel of painting to be recognizable, a snapshot of a moment in time, when, together with someone else, you looked up, lifted your arms toward the sun, and ran full-tilt after something.  maybe even a dream.

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i love this painting, even not quite done.  IMPORTANT:  if it’s something you are interested in, please let me know so that i can save it from being painted over.  sometimes artists don’t SEE their own work. (eye roll)

read DAVID’S thoughts about this D.R. THURSDAY

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CHASING BUBBLES ©️ 2019 david robinson


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there is a place [d.r. thursday]

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a morsel of ALKI BEACH

there are those places – where you sit and your breathing slows down.  the blue of sky calms you, the warm sand molds to your shape and the water beyond where you sit lulls you and quells the inner mixmaster of your thoughts.

for me, many many years ago now,  that place was crab meadow beach.  i felt some kind of kinship with the seagulls and the lure that shoreline had on them.  off-season still found me sitting on the pebbles along the waterline, in the sand gathered in small wind-dunes, on the cement dolphin or walking, walking, walking, ankle-deep in a surf that changed daily.  a place where i could sort out growing up, it soothed me, challenged me, spoke to me.

it’s not always a beach.  or the top of a mountain.  or a quiet lakeside cove.  or an inviting stump on a thick woodsy trail.  most of the time we don’t all have access to these things on a daily basis.

but there is a place.  where you can find the silence you need.  for david, this is often in front of his easel, a fresh canvas waiting or an unfinished painting beckoning.  this painting – ALKI BEACH – reminds me of that place.  the places nearby, the places within.  the rocking chair in the room upstairs, the adirondack chair in the backyard, the piano bench.  the place you draw the seagulls close, whisper your thoughts to them and send them on their way back into the world.

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click here or on painting above to view ALKI BEACH on

read DAVID’S thoughts this D.R. THURSDAY

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ALKI BEACH ©️ c.2009 david robinson

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chasing bubbles. [d.r. thursday]

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nancy wrote that they added a drop of food coloring to the bubble mix for sweet lily.  it must have been enchanting…colorful bubbles in way-below-freezing temperatures, crystalizing, transformed by the absolute cold.  i know there are bubbles in this house; i just have to find them.  and then, next time, i will be out on our back deck, wand in hand.

there really is something about bubbles.  in the summer, at the farmer’s market they sell gigantic bubble wands.  while browsing one day, there was this little girl….chasing these enormous bubbles.  no worries on her mind, just arms outstretched, running, ready to embrace oversized magic.  it instantly reminded us of the innocence of a child, the seizing of something simple, the joyous caress of a moment.

this morsel and this not-quite-done-painting CHASING BUBBLES make me want to run into the sunshine or, perhaps, the falling snow, and chase iridescent dreams.

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CHASING BUBBLES mixed media 33″x48″

read DAVID’S thoughts this D.R. THURSDAY

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CHASING BUBBLES ©️ 2019 david robinson & kerri sherwood

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those petals. [d.r. thursday]

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often, david has a signature in his paintings.  not his initials or his name, but these petals…they bring an element of the organic into a piece that may not speak to nature in any other way.  they are a breath, sneaking their way into a painting to remind you that your relationship with this very canvas is a living, changing, ever-evolving thing.  the gift of art in its every form: we grow by it, through it, with it.

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TANGO WITH ME mixed media 39″ x 52″

read DAVID’S thoughts about this D.R. THURSDAY

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TANGO WITH ME/PALM TREE ©️ 2018 david robinson & kerri sherwood


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it is in the giving. [d.r. thursday]

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yes.  it is.  happy thanksgiving to you and yours. with gratitude and love from us.

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INSTRUMENT OF PEACE mixed media 48″ x 91″

click here or on painting above to view INSTRUMENT OF PEACE

read DAVID’S post this D.R. THURSDAY

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INSTRUMENT OF PEACE ©️ 2015 david robinson & kerri sherwood

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the sisu of balance. [d.r. thursday]

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“…you must wait patiently, knowing that you’re waiting and knowing what you’re waiting for…” (carlos castaneda)

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a balance point.  the morsel of the painting WAITING AND KNOWING doesn’t include the obvious visual balance point between waiting and knowing and not. instead it draws you into the words “wait patiently”, “know”, “promise”, ” then a time will come”.

but we all know the point.  the trust.  the blind faith.  with roots we courageously send deeply into the earth of our lives we teeter on the edge of patience and impatience, belief and unbelief, knowing and not knowing, fulfilling and not fulfilling, living and not living.

WAITING AND KNOWING – the painting – illustrates that amazing center of gravity available to us as human beings, our root a fulcrum from which we pivot in our lives, live our lives, celebrate our lives.

click here or on WAITING AND KNOWING to view this painting in the online gallery

read DAVID’S thoughts about this D.R. THURSDAY

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WAITING AND KNOWING ©️ 2015 david robinson & kerri sherwood


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are we mindful? [d.r. thursday]



there are small pieces, corners, smidges of david’s paintings that stand out for me.  a slice of color or pattern, the morsel, like THE SHADOW OF DIVISION, catches my eye.  no less than the painting in its entirety, just differently.

earth interrupted IV and the words he penned on the canvas: let what you seek catch up to you…stand still, stand still…  earth, suspended in the midst of a color palette.

the people of this good earth – ever-seekers…surrounded by color…choices…in a moving river…vulnerable…standing still…rotating, rotating. are we mindful?

this good earth – this fragile fragmented globe…its colors…its rivers…its steadiness…its rotation…its vulnerability.  are we mindful?

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EARTH INTERRUPTED IV mixed media 48″ x 36″

read DAVID’S thoughts on this D.R. THURSDAY

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SHADOW OF DIVISION/EARTH INTERRUPTED IV ©️ 2018 david robinson, kerri sherwood

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they wait. [d.r. thursday]

WeWait Morsel

i can feel this painting.  i recognize it.  i have anxiously waited, looking out the window, babycat in lap, dogdog by my feet.  leaning forward, i have peered outside…waiting for someone to arrive, waiting for the mail, waiting for the sun to come up, waiting for my mind to rest.

we are in a time…you can feel the nerve endings jittering.  it is not a time of rest, nor is it a time of peace and unity.  we lean forward, looking out the window at moments passing, hoping to catch a glimpse of tomorrow and see a calmer day, a day where we might find a spirit of cohesion, a respite from the storm of divisiveness.

THEY WAIT…a beautifully poignant painting honoring the ever-faithful companions by our side, quietly and patiently waiting.  with no idea of why, with no questions asked, they steadfastly stay with us.


THEY WAIT mixed media 24″x18″

click here or on painting above to view THEY WAIT

read DAVID’S thoughts on this D.R. THURSDAY

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tango with me. [d.r. thursday]

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my front row seat on the dance floor of david’s studio affords me this unique opportunity to watch him waltz with his canvas, shift his weight from one leg to the other, lead the painting or let it lead him (much as i unintentionally do when we dance.)  the images come to life.  i can feel the pull in her neck, backward-bent in the beautiful flow of the tango, their faces raised to the sun in this morsel of TANGO WITH ME.  i can feel their hands embracing, arms outstretched, reaching for their forward steps.  the painting around them is magical and surreal, fantasy almost, just as a couple dancing is lost in the dreamy quality of their moving together.

ahhh.  it is a privileged front seat i have.  each time…watching another birth.

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TANGO WITH ME  mixed media 39″x52″

click here or on painting above to view TANGO WITH ME

read DAVID’S thoughts on this D.R. THURSDAY

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 TANGO WITH ME ©️ 2018 david robinson, kerri sherwood

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contemplation. [d.r. thursday]

morsel - color & contemplation

i visit this place everyday.  the place of contemplation.  of pondering.  of remembering.  of dreaming.  of silent conversational prayer.  this morsel of david’s painting CONTEMPLATION speaks to me and my need to sometimes go inside…to sort, to be grateful, to relinquish a hold on something negative, to wonder.

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there is a similar painting, based on a similar image…called SOFTLY SHE PRAYS and i adore this for its monochromatic approach, its gentle existence.  conversely, this piece CONTEMPLATION is filled with color – the colors of life and vibrance, saturated with the palette we live in every day, the colors we don’t always notice as we walk by, missed in our efforts to move into the next moment.  ahh.  yet another reason to sit and rest and contemplate.

color & contemplation

CONTEMPLATION acrylic 48″x24″

click here or on painting above to view CONTEMPLATION

click here or on painting in this post to view SOFTLY SHE PRAYS

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CONTEMPLATION & SOFTLY SHE PRAYS ©️ 2004 & 2018 david robinson, kerri sherwood